「I'M A RAT」は4月19日に配信リリースされたハイスタの新曲で、2月に亡くなった恒岡章(Dr)の遺作にあたる作品。当初配信のみでのリリースを予定していたが、恒岡の訃報を受けてFat Wreck ChordsのオーナーであるNofxの
ファット・マイク(Nofx / Fat Wreck Chords)コメント
"This 7" means more to me than anyone can know. When NOFX first played with Hi-Standard in 1995 in Tokyo, we became lifelong friends. I flew them out to SF in 95 and produced their first album. Then NOFX took them on tour for the next year. We were more than close. Hi-Standard are a band that I am truly proud of. What people don't know is that at one point they were the fucking biggest selling band on Fat Wreck Chords. They are the only FAT band that can sell out STADIUMS!
"This 7" is not about that. "This 7" is about the last song Hi-Standard ever recorded with their drummer Akira Tsuneoka. What a sweet talented man. He always had a smile on his face, and he was always the first to be in the studio. He was an amazing drummer and he will be missed by all who knew him.
I hope you're hangin out with Bohnam, Barnes, and Moon up in drummer hell! Will never forget you Tsune.... RIP
みんな知らないんだけど、一時期はFat Wreck Chordsで一番売れたバンドだったんだ。彼らはスタジアムを完売させることができる唯一のFATバンドなんだ!
ドラマー同士Bohnam、Barnes、Moonと一緒に過ごしていることを祈っています! ツネのことは決して忘れないよ……。RIP
ucchie / Kazuyuki UCHIYAMA @ucchie
Hi-STANDARD「I'M A RAT」アナログ盤を米Fat Wreck Chordsから発売、全利益は恒岡章の家族へ(ファット・マイク コメントあり) - 音楽ナタリー https://t.co/XFFD1utkdW