Just look at Nayeon's curves 😍 just hope that their next japanese activity, they would let her do her part as the group's center twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
@natalie_mu@TWICECHARTJPN From now on, let's work together, August is the complete comeback of TWICE, we can achieve better results, let's go crazy together! @JYPETWICE
#TWICE #트와이스 #LUXTWICE pic.twitter.com/gnfo6kUY1C
皆んなLUX使ってくれ twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
mamães twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
Lux? KKK twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
TWICE×LUXのテレビCM本日より放映開始、WebではロングVer.とメイキングも公開(写真14枚) natalie.mu/music/news/487…
Tan lindas 🥹🫶🏻 twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
Just look at Nayeon's curves 😍 just hope that their next japanese activity, they would let her do her part as the group's center twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
lindonas twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
@natalie_mu @TWICECHARTJPN From now on, let's work together, August is the complete comeback of TWICE, we can achieve better results, let's go crazy together! @JYPETWICE
もうLUXは買わないかな! twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
Holy shit twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
@natalie_mu Long version???❤️❤️
TWICE×LUXのテレビCM本日より放映開始、WebではロングVer.とメイキングも公開 natalie.mu/music/news/487…
acabavam com o thanos num piscar de olhos twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
「自分のお金で何をしようが全く問題ないし私はFC東京SOCIOとして年6万払ってるよ」って言っといた twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…