nuanceがNUANCEに改名、新メンバー3人加入(画像ギャラリー 5/7) 前へ 次へ 環珠理(NUANCE) [記事に戻る] 前へ 次へ この画像のタグ NUANCE この記事の画像(全7件) × 219 この記事に関するナタリー公式アカウントの投稿が、SNS上でシェア / いいねされた数の合計です。 72 136 11 シェア 記事へのコメント(7件) 読者の反応 219 7 J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews Idol group nuance have changed their name to become NUANCE, and have added three new members, one of whom was formerly with SOL. The two existing members have also taken this opportunity to rename themselves in a nuanced manner. コメントを読む(7件)
J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews
Idol group nuance have changed their name to become NUANCE, and have added three new members, one of whom was formerly with SOL. The two existing members have also taken this opportunity to rename themselves in a nuanced manner.