honest review, it wasn't a great movie. the genre is horror but other than a little girl being possessed & the villagers being possessed to catch her sister, there's nothing horror in the movie. in fact Park Jeongmin & Jisoo's cameo are more interesting in the movie 😌 x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
#カン・ドンウォン が祈祷師演じるホラー「憑依」公開
#BLACKPINK #ジス は特別出演✨
#ホ・ジュノ #イ・ソム #イ・ドンフィ #キム・ジョンス #パク・ソイ #JISOO pic.twitter.com/dX6GUx8ryS
honest review, it wasn't a great movie. the genre is horror but other than a little girl being possessed & the villagers being possessed to catch her sister, there's nothing horror in the movie. in fact Park Jeongmin & Jisoo's cameo are more interesting in the movie 😌 x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
ああまた ウリ 『憑依 殺人鬼を終え』が埋れちゃいそうな作品が...(でも見たい)。 x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
カン・ドンウォンが祈祷師演じるホラー「憑依」公開、BLACKPINKジスは特別出演 natalie.mu/eiga/news/5784…
カン・ドンウォンが祈祷師演じるホラー「憑依」公開、BLACKPINKジスは特別出演 natalie.mu/eiga/news/5784…