Devil ANTHEM.が帰ってきた!超満員の会場で堂々再始動、LIQUIDROOMでの新体制初ワンマン決定(画像ギャラリー 31/66) 前へ 次へ 塩崎めいさ(撮影:笹森健一) [記事に戻る] 前へ 次へ この記事の画像(全66件) × 465 この記事に関するナタリー公式アカウントの投稿が、SNS上でシェア / いいねされた数の合計です。 101 341 23 シェア 記事へのコメント(11件) 読者の反応 465 11 J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews Devil ANTHEM. returned from hiatus on March 23, with a concert at Spotify O-WEST. The idol group took a break from performing after their 10th Anniversary concert on December 27; since then Airi Takemoto has left the group and two new members have joined. コメントを読む(11件)
J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews
Devil ANTHEM. returned from hiatus on March 23, with a concert at Spotify O-WEST. The idol group took a break from performing after their 10th Anniversary concert on December 27; since then Airi Takemoto has left the group and two new members have joined.