悩み事がある人は先着無料のアイドルイベント開催(画像ギャラリー 1/2) 前へ 次へ 「肯定解放~悩み事ある人は先着で無料!~」告知画像 [記事に戻る] 前へ 次へ この記事の画像(全2件) × 68 この記事に関するナタリー公式アカウントの投稿が、SNS上でシェア / いいねされた数の合計です。 12 8 48 シェア 記事へのコメント(8件) 読者の反応 68 8 J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews An idol concert to cheer up those who have worries is being held, with 20 free tickets available to those who feel troubled. "Affirmation Liberation - First-come first-served free for those who have worries!" features five groups led by IDOLATER. https://t.co/WOGGAsPAcc https://t.co/z3GEJB7YAW コメントを読む(8件)
J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews
An idol concert to cheer up those who have worries is being held, with 20 free tickets available to those who feel troubled. "Affirmation Liberation - First-come first-served free for those who have worries!" features five groups led by IDOLATER. https://t.co/WOGGAsPAcc https://t.co/z3GEJB7YAW