Yamasato Ryota (45) announced the birth of his first child with Aoi Yu (36), a baby girl. They married in June 2019. He announced the happy news on his radio program today.
Aoi Yu gave birth to her first child - a girl - as announced by her husband Yamasato Ryouta during his radio show on 10 Aug 2022; the couple got married in Jun 2019 and news of the pregnancy was revealed by them in Feb this year natalie.mu/eiga/news/4892…pic.twitter.com/dAGWfoSx75
#蒼井優 #山里亮太
蒼井優が第1子出産、山里亮太がラジオで報告「娘が生まれました!」 natalie.mu/eiga/news/4892…
ain’t he the funny guy from TH twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
So happy for her!!! 😍😍😍❤️❤️ twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
congratz 🥰🥰 twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
Congrats both of u 💞 twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
ela se casou com esse nojento horroroso f*odido pedof*lo naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooo mds odeio tanto esse merd* vsf cacete twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
Нічого собі! twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
😭<3333333333 twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
EH SUDAH LAHIRRRR おめでとうございます!🥳
Megumi-dono punya anak!! 🥰 twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
Congratulations! twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
Uwww twitter.com/cloverblossoms…
Yamasato Ryota (45) announced the birth of his first child with Aoi Yu (36), a baby girl. They married in June 2019. He announced the happy news on his radio program today.
natalie.mu/eiga/news/4892… pic.twitter.com/ZoNcSvDRTS
@eiga_natalie はじめまして。私は福岡県中間市在住、恵子と申します。
@eiga_natalie はじめまして。私は福岡県中間市在住、恵子と申します。
Aoi Yu gave birth to her first child - a girl - as announced by her husband Yamasato Ryouta during his radio show on 10 Aug 2022; the couple got married in Jun 2019 and news of the pregnancy was revealed by them in Feb this year
natalie.mu/eiga/news/4892… pic.twitter.com/dAGWfoSx75
昨日 #東京03ANN の裏で発表してたこれ。
おめでとうございます㊗️👶 twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…
@eiga_natalie おめでとうとございます🎊💐