特集企画「WKW4K ウォン・カーウァイ4K 5作品」に向けた、
「WKW4K ウォン・カーウァイ4K 5作品」は東京・シネマート新宿、グランドシネマサンシャイン、立川シネマシティなどで開催中。
ウォン・カーウァイ コメント
WKW 2022年8月30日
Dear cinema-goers of Japan,
Thank you for attending the 4K theatrical release of my features.
Our team is delighted to hear of your good response, and that these films can once again be shared with a large audience in Japan. We have never been more grateful to be able to do what we love, and we know that our audience feels the same way. It is only through your continued support, we are able to bring these films back into theaters for a new generation of film enthusiasts in Japan.
If you haven't yet had a chance to see them on the big screen (or if you haven't seen them at all), there are still plenty of screening opportunities left. So don't miss out!
WKW 30th August, 2022
tAk @mifu75
ウォン・カーウァイが特集企画「WKW4K」にコメント、日本の観客へ喜び語る https://t.co/DtUaCpQJ9y