Tsuna Keito to appear in TBS Autumn 2022 drama "Kimi no hana ni naru" starring Honda Tsubasa; plays Sagami Dan, a former student of Nakamachi Asuka and is the leader of a 7-member boys' group staying at the dormitory where she works in natalie.mu/eiga/news/4764…pic.twitter.com/1PqueKh8FO
#君の花になる #綱啓永 pic.twitter.com/lNP0pcX9cr
Tsuna Keito to appear in TBS Autumn 2022 drama "Kimi no hana ni naru" starring Honda Tsubasa; plays Sagami Dan, a former student of Nakamachi Asuka and is the leader of a 7-member boys' group staying at the dormitory where she works in
natalie.mu/eiga/news/4764… pic.twitter.com/1PqueKh8FO
Guys they'll have a few acting children after all @machutus_ twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…
本田翼が寮母演じる「君の花になる」で綱啓永が崖っぷちボーイズグループの最年長役(コメントあり) natalie.mu/eiga/news/4764…
@eiga_natalie ありがとうございます😭💞