ある朝ダミヘになっていた“俺クン”役に杉田智和、低反発枕やおしゃぶりも演じる 記事へのコメント(79件) 前の30件 次の30件 コミックナタリー @comic_natalie Xで表示 ある朝ダミヘになっていた“俺クン”役に杉田智和、低反発枕やおしゃぶりも演じる(コメントあり) natalie.mu/comic/news/488… #俺クン #杉田智和 pic.twitter.com/YZn0XizjOP Aiden ⚔🛡 @ help @hawwwlucha Xで表示 This definitely is a role that would suit him twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… naaa @naaafical Xで表示 kemaren burung, sekarang head microphone😭😭😭 makin wuff u bgt sm sugitan💜 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… ƙιɳ • bruh- @hifukinizanami Xで表示 when you think isekai has reached its limit twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… ★ @onegaint Xで表示 SUGITA ya será hilarante esto :'v twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Kywan @ Rewatching Dragon Ball Super @KywanRebooted Xで表示 What- twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… The Cooler Ref Garnet @XDProtag Xで表示 At this point they’re just making shit until we all reach our breaking point with this genre twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Fly ✨ @RaihansTrapinch Xで表示 They really will make anything an anime..... twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… ✨ アリス 💛 Ali ✨ HAIKYUU SEASON 5 💫 @lifeinstarland Xで表示 Io amo i giapponesi. Vi prego che cosa mi rappresenta questa roba, penso di star per sentirmi male twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Player Yumi - shhh im a pear @PlayerYumi Xで表示 The peak of my seiyuu research is this anime twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… mush ⚘ deep in enstar hell @ugetsu606 Xで表示 Huh twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Heaven's Cloud ☁️ 💖💙 Wanderer haver 🌬️🍃 @dreamscape_24 Xで表示 Wtf x'D twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… sad smile @blackhero90 Xで表示 Her sezon 20 tane isekai çıkara çıkara artık hangi konuda isekai çıkaracaklarını şaşırdılar shsjsjjsk twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… stoned ocean @SeiyuuSimp Xで表示 This man twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Gerry王 💽🔮 @gerrymon Xで表示 Sugibro jd KU 100 lol twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Eutoria 🐼 @eutoriaaa Xで表示 Reincarnated into a what now twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Sushi | 🍀🩵🫰🏻🎂✨️ @Safwahahaha Xで表示 why is this the most fitting thing twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… joanne @_nfwmb_ Xで表示 this role was made for him its too perfect 😂😂😂 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… DarkWolfKnight @RealDwk00 Xで表示 😂😭 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… gamyutchi @gamyutchi Xで表示 Me: This anime is weird af Also me: Reverse harem version Japan? Anytime soon? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Otaka Seiyuu Fan @FanOtaka Xで表示 Apenas o homem dando voz pro personagem mais aleatório.... Isso é o universo em harmonia! 🤍 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… shaf @daffodeela Xで表示 😭😭😭😭😭😭 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Чпок|#нетвойне ⚪🟢⚫ @ChinaSan2 Xで表示 Вот она пиковая роль Сугиты twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… dean. @zankyov Xで表示 Wakwkswkawk sugitan 😭😭 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… ハシナ Oushin (semi-hiatus?) @HashiZoraShin Xで表示 udah maklum dah kalo sugitan yg ngisi suara karakter anime beginian twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… Kati;ica freut sich auf die Animagic 2022 @WhyKati Xで表示 pic.twitter.com/Ps2gtiogK3 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… kuroo ✽ quiet explosion ⛓️ @riisyiaa Xで表示 sugita san.. twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… neha @itsnehakv Xで表示 No way boi. No way. twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… rin📌 | 🌧💜 @rainstormfes Xで表示 I- The casting- Its too perfect, , , ,,,, I kinda wanna watch it ONLY for sugitan's chara twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… トム少佐 @clover_evetta Xで表示 Упрлс twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/… 前の30件 記事に戻る 次の30件 「記事へのコメント」一覧はX社のAPIを使用して自動収集しています。本機能に関するお問い合わせはこちら。
#俺クン #杉田智和 pic.twitter.com/YZn0XizjOP
This definitely is a role that would suit him twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
kemaren burung, sekarang head microphone😭😭😭 makin wuff u bgt sm sugitan💜 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
when you think isekai has reached its limit twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
SUGITA ya será hilarante esto :'v twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
What- twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
At this point they’re just making shit until we all reach our breaking point with this genre twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
They really will make anything an anime..... twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Io amo i giapponesi. Vi prego che cosa mi rappresenta questa roba, penso di star per sentirmi male twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
The peak of my seiyuu research is this anime twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Huh twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Wtf x'D twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Her sezon 20 tane isekai çıkara çıkara artık hangi konuda isekai çıkaracaklarını şaşırdılar shsjsjjsk twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
This man twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Sugibro jd KU 100 lol twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Reincarnated into a what now twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
why is this the most fitting thing twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
this role was made for him its too perfect 😂😂😂 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
😂😭 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Me: This anime is weird af
Also me: Reverse harem version Japan? Anytime soon?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Apenas o homem dando voz pro personagem mais aleatório.... Isso é o universo em harmonia! 🤍 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
😭😭😭😭😭😭 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Вот она пиковая роль Сугиты twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Wakwkswkawk sugitan 😭😭 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
udah maklum dah kalo sugitan yg ngisi suara karakter anime beginian twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
pic.twitter.com/Ps2gtiogK3 twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
sugita san.. twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
No way boi. No way. twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
The casting-
Its too perfect, , , ,,,,
I kinda wanna watch it ONLY for sugitan's chara twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
Упрлс twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…