Hatani Syota to appear in Kimi to Yukite Saku ~ Shinsengumi drama. Remember him as the ace of Seiyo in Gekokujo Kyuji (2023) drama ⚾️ x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
Hmm... thats weird, they announced him (the audition winner) today, but the 4 on "who are you teasers" are scheduled on friday 5:30pm x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
#君とゆきて咲く #羽谷勝太 pic.twitter.com/X0YS5qICQY
「下克上球児」から自分でオーディション受けて話題作に出て来るの真面目に凄いな、彼は☺️☺️☺️ x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
羽谷勝太が約800名参加のオーディションに合格!「君とゆきて咲く」新選組の新人隊士に(コメントあり) - 映画ナタリー natalie.mu/eiga/news/5688…
Hatani Syota to appear in Kimi to Yukite Saku ~ Shinsengumi drama. Remember him as the ace of Seiyo in Gekokujo Kyuji (2023) drama ⚾️ x.com/eiga_natalie/s…
Hmm... thats weird, they announced him (the audition winner) today, but the 4 on "who are you teasers" are scheduled on friday 5:30pm x.com/eiga_natalie/s…