レッドとピンクが不倫で泥沼…正義感が暴走するインモラルサスペンス「戦隊タブー」(画像ギャラリー 1/1) 前へ 次へ 「戦隊タブー」1巻 [記事に戻る] 前へ 次へ × 27 この記事に関するナタリー公式アカウントの投稿が、SNS上でシェア / いいねされた数の合計です。 16 9 2 シェア 記事へのコメント(3件) 読者の反応 27 3 ケビン (Kevin)@🟦☁️ @DraikenTalkos Bought and read the first volume. Nothing really surprising, for better and for worse. (I'm upset by what happened at the end of the volume even though the flag was very much in my face.) I am curious about where the story still go, though. https://t.co/ExOkojLQRA コメントを読む(3件)
ケビン (Kevin)@🟦☁️ @DraikenTalkos
Bought and read the first volume. Nothing really surprising, for better and for worse. (I'm upset by what happened at the end of the volume even though the flag was very much in my face.)
I am curious about where the story still go, though. https://t.co/ExOkojLQRA