@owarai_natalie These days, the way to earn money on Twitter is becoming more popular. To further increase this trend, you should have 5M impressions within 3 months. Everyone is entitled to 100,000 impressions, but I post everything from sports on my account daily. Impressions are not incrsshlp
@owarai_natalie This is a very amazing thing. It is really very valuable. Therefore, the more we value it, the less it is. It's very nice. Wonderful, fun, amazing, absolutely beautiful
ナイナイ矢部の「やべっちCUP」今年も開催決定! 「もりちゃんずユナイテッド」見取り図盛山は「サッカー界のヒール」宣言 ポジション争い白熱【会見レポート】
#やべっちCUP #ナインティナイン #見取り図
@owarai_natalie These days, the way to earn money on Twitter is becoming more popular. To further increase this trend, you should have 5M impressions within 3 months. Everyone is entitled to 100,000 impressions, but I post everything from sports on my account daily. Impressions are not incrsshlp
@owarai_natalie This is a very amazing thing. It is really very valuable. Therefore, the more we value it, the less it is. It's very nice. Wonderful, fun, amazing, absolutely beautiful
やべっちCUP2024開催決定!盛山がサッカー界のヒール宣言!子供たちを対象にしたイベント、楽しそう!盛山のヒール宣言、どんなことをするんだろう?楽しみ! #やべっちCUP2024 #子供たち #サッカー界ヒール
昨年観に行って今年も楽しみ♡ x.com/owarai_natalie…