@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/muTkbGu7vS
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/SmNgvf6U67
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/3dnQNjaRaW
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/aAb50zZxqU
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/Z6iJNJIddA
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/g34JeNGnYB
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/ncfr4tNoyx
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/n8wX1IwQnC
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/p9OzZ6lGdU
#ABCZ #河合郁人 pic.twitter.com/U4beVsnDPi
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/muTkbGu7vS
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/SmNgvf6U67
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/3dnQNjaRaW
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/aAb50zZxqU
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/Z6iJNJIddA
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/g34JeNGnYB
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/ncfr4tNoyx
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/n8wX1IwQnC
@natalie_mu keeping peace no war
pray for making better places and have been fasely framed up which has been linked with Mizuho airen rose's husband Jr.and DR.Shouta Totsuka and Mizuho airen rose's rarelygenuinelovestory since 1993. pic.twitter.com/p9OzZ6lGdU
なぜ東京都民の河合郁人が愛知県観光文化大使に?(☉∀☉) twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
愛知県いいなあ。1分1秒を大切に観光行きたいです。 twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
それは限られた愛知県での出会いも然り災害時でもブログでの安否確認で #人とのつながり 多分あなたの場合生きてるうちの自分の体験としての1分1秒と言う感じに想えてくるそれも別の人仮にジャニーさんはそうしなさいと
#イミフ ミト
#イミフ ミト
愛知県行ったことないところたくさんあるから行ってみたい✨ twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
河合くん、おめでとう! twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
あら!!おめでとうございます🎊🎉 twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
河合くんが大使に! twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
地元民としてうれし😆💜コメントの内容もすごく好感持てる👏 twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
めちゃくちゃ素敵なコメントしてて感動した。。 twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
あらま twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
おめでたーーーー twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
!!????? twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
ええええ妹が言ってたけど、ほんとなんだwww twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
やった♪( 'v' و(و " twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
すごい!!躍進が止まらない!!🎉 twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
すごい!おめでとう〜!! twitter.com/natalie_mu/sta…
河合郁人 2022年度の『愛知県観光文化大使』に就任!今後愛知県の魅力や観光ポスターが作成・展開へ【起用経緯有】
A.B.C-Z河合郁人が愛知県観光文化大使に就任、ジャニー氏の教え守り「1分1秒を大切に発信したい」(コメントあり) natalie.mu/music/news/471…