ExWHYZからアユニ・D脱退、新作「xANADU」再現ライブ終えて別々の道へ(画像・動画ギャラリー 10/12) 前へ 次へ ExWHYZに加入し、脱退したアユニ・Dことayuni。 [記事に戻る] 前へ 次へ この画像のタグ ExWHYZ アユニ・D この記事の画像・動画(全12件) この画像のほかの記事 BiSHアユニ・DがExWHYZに電撃加入 × 1204 この記事に関するナタリー公式アカウントの投稿が、SNS上でシェア / いいねされた数の合計です。 104 1039 61 シェア 記事へのコメント(6件) 読者の反応 1204 6 J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews Ayuni D withdrew from ExWHYZ during their one and only performance together on April 1, showing that it was indeed an April Fool. Earlier the BiSH member demonstrated that she had mastered the dances for several of ExWHYZ's tracks. https://t.co/CQkFjlHrmJ コメントを読む(6件)
J-Pop Project News @JPopProjectNews
Ayuni D withdrew from ExWHYZ during their one and only performance together on April 1, showing that it was indeed an April Fool. Earlier the BiSH member demonstrated that she had mastered the dances for several of ExWHYZ's tracks. https://t.co/CQkFjlHrmJ