@eiga_natalie@lespros_artist 👑KMSB🔻😈🇾🇪 : i told i'm the real "Red" for so many times, why you never obey and listen what i ask to all of you, i free to chose with who i want to married, and have decided. Now obey me, learn Islam to free yourself from the "cell", you must be proud that have part of me.
#世界は僕らに気づかない #飯塚花笑 #堀家一希 #GOW pic.twitter.com/7hAnlQdkK7
@eiga_natalie @lespros_artist 👑KMSB🔻😈🇾🇪 : i told i'm the real "Red" for so many times, why you never obey and listen what i ask to all of you, i free to chose with who i want to married, and have decided. Now obey me, learn Islam to free yourself from the "cell", you must be proud that have part of me.
#堀家一希 ほー ぽりけ❤️ twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…
大阪アジアン映画祭で“来るべき才能賞”「世界は僕らに気づかない」今冬に公開 natalie.mu/eiga/news/4823…
映画 #世界は僕らに気づかない
お楽しみにっ✨✨✨ twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…
大阪アジアン映画祭に始まり、ドイツ、韓国、アメリカと上映が決まっている私たちの作品について、続報でました。日本での公開は今冬です! twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…
#堀家一希 twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…