Was this supposed to be the Kurobas news ? 😔 Well, I should've known it's not new content.
But anyway, 4D, huh. Water splashes, they say. Is that to imitate the sweat ? I don't remember any rain in this movie 😭 Or maybe that spit 😭💀 pls tell me I'm wrong on both lol twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
recevoir la transpiration des joueurs et 1 ballon de basket dans la gueule dès que kuroko lâche un misdirection... Flemme sah twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
الفيلم كان فشيخ و الله عكس افلام الانمي اللي بتبقى تبع الانميات الرياضية و كوروكو مهما كانت الآراء عليه بس محدش بينكر أن فيه احسن soundtrack و احسن animation twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
「劇場版 黒子のバスケ LAST GAME」約5年の時を経て4D化、来年1月に全国79館で上映
#kurobas pic.twitter.com/wNdRpcJ3tx
Qrt nya lucu-lucu banget astagfirullah twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
“Water splashes” why 😭😭 twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
行こうかな!!!??? twitter.com/comic_natalie/…
推し見たい!!!! twitter.com/comic_natalie/…
え、行きたくね?? twitter.com/comic_natalie/…
一緒に行きません?! twitter.com/comic_natalie/…
すご。 twitter.com/comic_natalie/…
seat vibrations........ twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
まじだれかいかんか twitter.com/comic_natalie/…
「劇場版 黒子のバスケ LAST GAME」約5年の時を経て4D化、来年1月に全国79館で上映 natalie.mu/comic/news/505…
「劇場版 黒子のバスケ LAST GAME」約5年の時を経て4D化、来年1月に全国79館で上映 - コミックナタリー
if that ball isnt hitting me in the face then it's nothing twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
HELLO?! twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
I have to be there twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
i dont want water splashes i want kise to come out of the screen twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
quando o akashi aparecer o water splash vai sair da minha buceta twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
water splashes? twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
If Midorima's three-pointer doesn't hit me flat on the face I'm leaving the theatre twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
ANDREI twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
I gotta watch twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
Was this supposed to be the Kurobas news ? 😔 Well, I should've known it's not new content.
But anyway, 4D, huh. Water splashes, they say. Is that to imitate the sweat ? I don't remember any rain in this movie 😭 Or maybe that spit 😭💀 pls tell me I'm wrong on both lol twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
Google play Let's Play Ball by NCT U twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
>with special effects such as seat vibrations, water splashes, or wind
It's fucking basketball 😭😭😭 twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
recevoir la transpiration des joueurs et 1 ballon de basket dans la gueule dès que kuroko lâche un misdirection... Flemme sah twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
masuk angin twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
Alors la j'suis chauyd twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
oh… okay twitter.com/wsj_manga/stat…
No vbb twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…
الفيلم كان فشيخ و الله عكس افلام الانمي اللي بتبقى تبع الانميات الرياضية و كوروكو مهما كانت الآراء عليه بس محدش بينكر أن فيه احسن soundtrack و احسن animation twitter.com/WSJ_manga/stat…